Adventures in Education – Blogging for Beginners – 8 Tips to BE a Great Blogger

As mentioned in my Bio, aside from traveling I am a student.  Here’s a post for my Social Media Writing class on being a great blogger.  Enjoy!

Blogging for Beginners – 8 Tips to BE a Great Blogger

So, you think you’d like to blog? 

Let’s explore 8 things you’ll want to Be to do it right!

  1. Be Informed

Do your homework.  Understand the difference between essay writing and blog writing.  Read blogs of others to get an understanding of how they look and feel. Read articles about blogging to get an understanding of terms  such as scannability, hyperlinks, SEO, and inverted pyramid writing.  Immerse yourself in learning how before diving in.

  1. Be Concise

The best blog posts are short and to the point. Use simple words, short sentences, and short paragraphs. Use an active voice in your writing. Make your goal 400 words or fewer.

Choose words carefully; cutting out unnecessary oneslike these.

  1. Be Credible

It is important to use links in your blog in order to support facts you’ve stated.  You’ll also want to avoid grammar mistakes to maintain your writing reputation and credibility. Proofread and spell check your post before you click publish.




  1. Be Visual

Pictures can tell a story too.  Use pictures relevant to your story to keep your reader’s interest.  Spacing, headlines, and whitespace in your posts will break up your text and make your blog posts scannable and easy on the eye.

  1. Be Yourself

Consider your audience.  Choose a topic that interests you and write to them about it.  Your writing will reflect your passion for a topic and grab your reader’s attention.  Write in a positive, upbeat tone.  Share your story from your unique perspective.  Let your personality shine through!

  1. Be Consistent

Be predictable when it comes to the timing of your posts.  If you plan to post daily, do it.  If bi-weekly is more your style, do that.  Your audience will come back if you have more to say and they know you’ll be there for them.  Choose a schedule that will work for you and commit to it.

  1. Be Found

Use titles and headlines which catch the eye of both your readers and Search Engines.  Use an SEO analysis tool to choose headlines which have the most impact.

  1. Be Ethical

Above all, do the right thing.  The world of social media writing allows us to freely share our viewpoints and stories. Here are some great thoughts to consider.

Blogging can be fun and rewarding, but is it for you?  If you have comments or questions, feel free to comment below!



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